Posted by Vanilla | Posted in *Disclaimer* , Announcements , Site Updates
Good day pirates!
I'm going to be making a new corner, called the 'Where's the ZoRobin' corner~
So what exactly is this?
It's basically a blog post wherein I would talk about where ZoRobin could be found~ easy right? :D
So basically here is the scope of this category:
1. ALL posts tagged as 'Delusional' will be moved to this new category. (The label isn't really pleasant if you think about it. haha but yes, I am still aware that my posts are still of the delusional nature. :P)
2. The new category will show 'connections' between the two, they are NOT CANON, but it is NOT ENTIRELY FANON either (unless otherwise stated). These 'connections' ranges from the obvious & given to the downright 'fantasies', wishing/hoping that Oda meant it that way. ;)
3. The category will thus feature pages from the manga (I don't really watch the anime anymore, but I'll chip in a few anime posts, here and there), Official One Piece arts/spreads/calendars/etc., facts from SBS, and some from Oda-chama's interviews. So yes, this section ONLY gets information from CANON sources, however, the outcome is still somewhat fanon, as I only put this with MY OWN interpretation.
4. So yep, that means no fan works.
5. Only of pure ZoRobin / NicoZoro / NikoZoro (I realize that NikoZoro is a more popular keyword on Japanese search engines. ;D) sexyness.
So yep, that's all about it! Hope you guys like the new corner~ :D
~rinku726 ♥
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