First Post! Yosh!

Posted by Vanilla | Posted in , ,

Hello everyone!

Happy 2010!!!

What's a better way to start the year than to open up this site for all ye fellow ZoRobin fans! :D

So yes, I'm rinku726, admin of this blog, a fellow shipper (take a wild guess ;P) and a huge huge huuuuuge fan of  Oda-chama~ ♥ So basically, I started this site because I'm afraid of cluttering my main blog, The Online Blabber, with ZoRobin posts which isn't really the content most of my readers read. Besides, I'm planning on spazzing posting lots and lots, because this wee brain of mine can't contain the delusions fantasies I have for these two sexy characters, and it might scare off my readers if I do not make one. ;P

For this is the first blog I plan on taking seriously aside my main blog, let's layout the Objectives I have for this site:

♥ Share with the readers Facts, Delusions, Insights, Interpretations, Artworks, Screencaps, Videos, etc. I have of ZoRobin~

♥ Meet and interact with other ZoRobin shippers (Cbox, Comments, Email)~

♥ Express my unending love for these two.

***As you can see, this site is in NO WAY of imposing anyone to like the pairing. As much as I would like to make this site as objective as possible, catering to ALL view points one may have on the pairing, and leaving all the subjectivity behind, I just CAN'T. I made this site mainly to express myself as a fan of the pairing, and by that, this site will ALWAYS be of MY opinion (unless otherwise stated), based on facts rendered by different information I have of the One Piece world and of Oda-chama.

So, if you happen to have a different opinion aside from what I have, may it be you're a fellow fan having different interpretation, an indifferent one, or maybe even an anti, your comments are all welcome as long as you keep it civil and constructive. As I said, this is site is not coercive, not canon (that is up to Oda-chama). And thus shame on you if you suddenly rant about this site being too 'spazzy' :PPP***

Now that that's off my system, let us move on to the posts!

~rinku726 ♥

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