[REPOST] ZoRobin Update 2

Posted by Vanilla | Posted in ,


Look at the coincidence.

As some of you may know, I DON'T watch anime anymore for various reasons, and that I wouldn't be taking the liberty to kill you with boredom. :P

A few days ago, I decided to check out the latest subbed episode just for the heck of it and....


This welcomes me with tidings and grand fireworks. :)))))

ZoRobin on OP's latest Opening Theme~~~ hahahaha

It seemed that it waited for me to watch it. :))

Then later on, I've just learned that it was on the very same day that that subbed episode just came out. XD Talk about coincidence, no? Hahaha I love it.

Look what I've caught on the vids ;DDDDD

I'll just let the pictures speak for itself. :))

Hahahaha I REALLY love that they're playing Go. :') It's like......... it brings out THE common denominator between the two, and it's really cute. XD (I used THE to represent all that comprises that denominator :) Haha and look at the dog, rooting for Zoro. XDD I wonder what character represents a dog. I forgot. (or is there one even? I don't think there is XD)


Robin-chwan, where are you looking?? xDDDDDDD

If I had my way, I'd definitely think that sneaky Nami looked like she knew something about the two. ;D Nevermind Sanji for a while haha She seems to notice Robin looking at Zoro and just laughed it off. hahahaha but that's just me and my delusional mind. :P I swear though, that that look she gave AFTER looking at Zoro's and Brooke's side, was like a GIRL HAVING A BIG CRUSH. :)) C'mon, she seemed to space out while staring at her ice cream! XDDDDD ♥ ♥ ♥ I can't blame her though, Zoro's showing off his hawt CHOCOLATE Robin's icecream abs. :)))))))))) Yes I still notice those stuff, crazy, I know. lololol

Oh, and I just ♥ the fact that Robin's wearing an awfully LOT of GREEN clothes on the openings. XDDDD (haven't watched the endings and some of the openings yet) hmmm. I wonder who's that someone represented by Green. B)

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