[REPOST] ZoRobin hinted by Oda through... a DUCK?

Posted by Vanilla | Posted in , ,

Oh my my my my my~~ askjgfdsjghksajhtu ♥ ♥ ♥

This One Piece chapter 562 just freaking screams ZOROBIN!!! FO' SHO'! Kyahahaha

You realize that little duckling over there getting lost? Getting the hint?


If you remove the 'ン' on the sentence covering the wee critter, you can very well see that that little duckie is actually in a Santoryu stance! Ahhhhhhhhhh~ ODA. ODA. ODA. ♥ Some are arguing that they are actually hinting at Ssanji x Robin. As Sanji is represented by a duck, and the following trait it has, with Robin at 'peace' with the ducklings made them think so... Good point actually, I have to admit. BUT I JUST CAN'T, for the life of me, CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD THEY HAVE TO PUT IN A ZORO DUCKIE IN THERE? The rest of the crew (except maybe for Sanji) aren't symbolized in there either! XDDD

Hahahaha, oh my, I'm on my ZoRobin bias again. But really now, I really don't understand. XDDD

If they were to hint at SanRo in that image, all they just have to put is a duckie with a possible slight curl pattern on its forehead going all gaga for Robin. XDDD Then I'll accept defeat. Anyway, SanRo is slowly going up the ranks on ALL my shipping for Robin-chwan so it's still good. :))

YES, I DO ship the poor girl with so many males in OP. Hahahaha. BUT HECK. Can you blame me if Robin would look hella sexy with basically ANYONE I pair her up with? XDDDDDDDDDD

But nothing is sexier than ZoRobin. SHIZZLE THAT. Physical and personality wise. ♥

If you ask me, Robin is actually looking at the tiny Zoro in an amused way, rather than being just 'generally' at peace with the ducks. Well I guess both, but you get my point! XD I also refuse to think that this is just a RANDOM panel by Oda. XD (Take note that I used 'I refuse', meaning not to impose the idea on anyone :P) Because we all know, fellow One Piece fans, that Oda makes use of a LOT of symbolisms in the story. :DDDDD

But if one is to really be persistent about the duckie being Sanji... I could compromise by saying,

Sanji x Robin x Zoro


Lolololol. I'm persistent at that as well. :)) But then again, I doubt that One Piece would have THAT kind of complexity in the story, it'd just ruin the great SHOUNEN factor of One Piece. So let's just stick with ZoRobin mmkay?! hahaha Sorry. XDDDD

(Well basically if you analyze, ZoRobin would be the PERFECT couple since all that Oda has to do is put the two together in a panel, near each other, and BAAAM! Chemistry would just kick in like a scientist HIGH on MF Red Bull. 8DDDDD 'cuz I think any other 'cheesy', on Zoro's and Robin's standards at least, interactions would be totally OOC... And nooooo we don't want that in our characters. HELL. We don't want THAT in ONE PIECE. Well I could let Luffy x Boa pass on that one for obvious reasons. lol)

I'm also curious at the letters on Robin's shopping bags. -M N? and RRY. B?


XDD I dunno.

I'm getting all fired up with this thing. TODENG~ TEDONG~ ♫ ♬

I CAN'T WAIT for next week's chapter (specifically the cover page for the chap! XD) WB got stabbed by Squardo!! (I guess me too, for revealing a spoiler! XDD sorry sorry~ XDDD)

P.S. I miss Robin and her old hair. :( She's beautiful as always though.

P.P.S. I don't think it's Whitebeard's time yet.

P.P.P.S. ...I better post my long dued ZoRobin post as to why I love the couple. It's been a year already (I think) since I made that draft. You can just imagine how long it'll be. :))

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